
The latest research in equine herpesvirus (EHV) biology

Opening remarks
Dr. Douglas Freeman, Dean, WCVM
8 a.m., Room 2302, WCVM
The biology of EHV and why it remains a persistent challenge
Presenter: Dr. Julia Kydd, University of Nottingham
8:15 a.m., Room 2302, WCVM
Recent progress in EHV vaccine development: news ideas and new vaccines for EHV-1
Presenter: Dr. Klaus Osterrieder, Frie Universtat Berlin
9 a.m., Room 2302, WCVM

The equine genome: how does new knowledge impact old diseases like EHV-1 and laminitis?
Presenter: Dr. Doug Antcszak, Cornell University

9:45 a.m., Room 2302, WCVM
Refreshment break 10:30 a.m., Buffeteria, WCVM
EHV infection
Presenter: Dr. Katharina Lohmann, University of Saskatchewan
11 a.m., Room 2302, WCVM

Impact of research funding on EHV-1 and laminitis: do we get our money's worth?
Dr. Paul Lunn, North Carolina State University

11:45 a.m., Room 2302, WCVM

The latest research in equine laminitis

Epidemiology of laminitis
Presenter: Dr. Noah Cohen, Texas A&M University
1:30 p.m., Room 2302, WCVM
Pathogenesis of laminitis — recent advances 
Presenter: Dr. Jim Belknap, Ohio State University
2:15 p.m., Room 2302, WCVM
Refreshment break 3 p.m., Buffeteria, WCVM

Lung inflammation in horses with oligofructose-induced laminitis
Presenter: Dr. Julia Montgomery, University of Saskatchewan

3:15 p.m., Room 2302, WCVM
New approach to management of laminitis
Presenter: Dr. Kathryn Carmalt, University of Saskatchewan
3:45 p.m., Room 2302, WCVM
Laminitis — a vaccine approach
Presenter: Dr. David Wilson, University of Saskatchewan
4:15 p.m., Room 2302, WCVM

Closing remarks
Dr. Baljit Singh, University of Saskatchewan

5 p.m., Room 2302, WCVM