Western College of Veterinary Medicine


Dr. Mathieu Paulin graduated from the Alfort School of Veterinary Medicine in Paris, France in 2019. Following graduation, he completed a small animal rotating internship at the University of Montreal.

In July 2020, he began a specialty internship in small animal internal medicine at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. In 2020, Dr. Paulin was awarded membership as a Laureate of the Veterinary Academy of France.

In July 2021, Dr. Paulin began a residency in small animal internal medicine at the WCVM.

Academic Credentials

  • DVM, 2019, School of Veterinary Medicine, Paris, France
  • IPSAV (rotating intership), University of Montreal, Montreal, QC
  • Laureate of the Veterinary Academy of France
  • Small Animal Medicine Internship, 2021, University of Saskatchewan


  • Paulin MV, Cross N, Gu J, Perkel M, Snead E. Hypodipsic hypernatremia after long-standing polydipsia in a cat with suspect neonatal head trauma. Can Vet J. 2023; 64:1021–1027.
  • Kliewer M, Gu J, Paulin MV, Sukut S, Cosford K. Computed tomographic and bronchoscopic diagnosis of Oslerus osleri infection in a dog. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2023. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37798816.Paulin MV, Gleasure S, Snead EC. Multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies in a kitten: Hyposomatotropism, hypothyroidism, central diabetes insipidus and hypogonadism. Can Vet J. 2023. 64(3):245-251.
  •  Paulin MV, Snead EC. Case report: Hypoadrenocorticism crisis complicated by non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema in a dog. Front Vet Sci. 2022. 10(9):1015739.
  •  Paulin MV, Cosford K, Sato-Takada K, et al. Successful medical management of an acute life-threatening haemorrhagic crisis related to acquired colonic vascular ectasia in a dog. VetRecord Case Reports. 2022. 10:4, e497
  •  Paulin MV, Caney S, Cosford K. An online survey to determine client perceptions of feline chronic lower airway disease management: response to therapy, side effects, and challenges encountered. JFMS. 2022. 7:1098612
  •  Paulin MV, Dunn M, Vachon C, et al. Association between hyperlipidemia and calcium oxalate lower urinary tract uroliths in dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 2022. 36(1):146-155
  •  Freiche V, Fages J, Paulin MV, et al. Clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings differentiating low-grade intestinal T-cell lymphoma from lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in cats. J Vet Intern Med. 2021.35(6):2685-2696.
  •  Freiche V, Paulin MV, Cordonnier N, et al. Histopathologic, phenotypic, and molecular criteria to discriminate low-grade intestinal T-cell lymphoma in cats from lymphoplasmacytic enteritis. J Vet Intern Med. 2021. 35(6):2673-2684.
  •  Freiche V, Cordonnier N, Paulin MV, et al. Feline low-grade intestinal T cell lymphoma: a unique natural model of human indolent T cell lymphoproliferative disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Lab Invest. 2021.101(6):794-804
  •  Kurtz M, Paulin MV, Fournet A, et al. Surgical treatment of a distal oesophageal stricture by mucosal radial incision and dilation in a kitten with secondary megaoesophagus. JFMS Open Rep. 2021. 25;7(1)
  •  Paulin MV, Couronne L, Beguin J, et al. Feline low-grade alimentary lymphoma: an emerging entity and a potential animal model for human disease. BMC Vet Res. 2018 Oct 11;14(1):306