
The health of food animals, horses and specialized livestock is the focal point for the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences.

The department's faculty members provide training opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate levels in large animal medicine, surgery, theriogenology, epidemiology, food safety, public health, zoonoses and other specialized areas related to large animal health care.

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Our People


The Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences has an active research program involving large animal domestic species and captive hoof stock.

Faculty interests include studies in animal behaviour, arthrology, biomechanics, epidemiology, gastrointestinal pathophysiology, immunology, infectious disease, nutrition, pharmacology, reproductive physiology and wound healing.

Graduate Programs

The Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences offers the following graduate degree programs: 

  • Master of Science (MSc) — Clinical (Project) / Non-clinical (Thesis)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Applications are processed through the U of S College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

For further information about the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences' graduate programs, please contact:

Jackie Gabriel
Graduate Programs Coordinator

Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
WCVM, University of Saskatchewan

Tel: 306-966-7076
 | Fax: 306-966-7159

Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences provides undergraduate summer research opportunities for veterinary students and undergraduate students through the Interprovincial Undergraduate Student Summer Research program and other similar research programs on campus. Please contact individual faculty members for more information about these programs. 

The Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences also provides required courses for the WCVM's Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program (200- to 400-level courses). 

Pharmhouse Summer Veterinary Student Swine Experience Program

The Pharmhouse program arranges 12-week summer placements with swine veterinarians for veterinary students from Canadian veterinary colleges to provide experience in swine medicine.

The placements typically run from May to July and are tailored to meet the participants’ experience level. Time is spent working on production sites to learn breeding, farrowing and postweaning husbandry activities. Participants work with veterinary teams to gain experience in swine herd health, complete clinical competencies related to swine medicine, and assist on clinical research projects.

The Pharmhouse program is open to first- and second-year/phase students from Canada's veterinary colleges and no pig experience is required. Students who apply to the program should have a genuine interest in food animal medicine and rural practice. In placing successful applicants, we work with the swine faculty at each of the veterinary colleges and local swine veterinarians to find the best possible match.

Student are provided a competitive wage and participate in seminars to share their experiences with other students and host veterinarians.

For more information or to apply, please contact Dr. John Harding (john.harding@usask.ca).

Contact Us

Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Western College of Veterinary Medicine, U of S 

52 Campus Drive

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5B4, Canada

Tel: 306-966-7145 | Fax: 306-966-7159

Department Location: WCVM 2401

Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences Administration