Welcome to the WCVM's online continuing education (CE) sessions that are developed to reflect the wide variety of animal health issues facing today's veterinary teams in mixed animal practice.
From January to April 2025, veterinary team members from all areas of practice — mixed animal as well as small animal and large animal — are welcome to join our speakers for CE sessions.
The CE sessions take place on selected Wednesday evenings from January to April 2025. Each 75-minute session will begin at 7 p.m. CST. The WCVM records each session and provides the video recording link to registrants several days after the event.
These sessions are approved for CE credit for veterinarians and registered veterinary technologists.
February 5 | Averting abortion in sheep | Dr. Chris Clark, WCVM |
CE sessions

Topic: “Averting abortion in sheep"
Presenter: Dr. Chris Clark Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM
Time: 7:00-8:15 p.m. CST
Date: Wednesday, February 5
Once you register for this session, the WCVM will forward the Zoom meeting link.
About the presentation
Dr. Chris Clark will address the challenges of diagnosing abortion in ewes, covering the highly infectious agents as well as toxins that can lead to abortion. Prevention is critical, and Dr. Clark’s presentation will review vaccines and vital biosecurity protocols for averting drastic “abortion storms” in flocks.
About our speaker
Dr. Chris Clark, VetMB, MVetSc, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Chris Clark graduated from the Cambridge University in the United Kingdom and then eventually came to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) for a one-year internship. After one year as a rural veterinarian in the UK, he returned to the WCVM to complete his residency, master’s and PhD degrees in clinical pharmacology.
As an associate professor, Dr. Clark has received numerous teaching awards, including the University of Saskatchewan’s Master Teacher Award in 2016. He served as the WCVM’s associate dean academic from 2015 to 2024. His greatest interests are veterinary education — and cows’ feet.
Cost: $35 per session. Click here to register. All sessions will be virtual using Zoom.
Have questions for our speakers? Please include your questions in the registration form or send your questions to
Once you register for a session, the WCVM will forward the Zoom meeting link to all registrants.
Please contact:
Myrna MacDonald
Communications, WCVM | 306-291-9950