Haematobia irritans

The hornfly Haematobia irritans occurs in association with cattle around the world, including in Canada.

Hypoderma bovis and H. lineatum

Hypoderma bovis and Hypoderma lineatum are the common warble flies of cattle, and occasionally other hosts, in the northern hemisphere.

Lice: chewing and sucking species

Sucking and chewing lice occur on cattle around the world. The life cycle is direct and all life cycle stages - adults, eggs (nits), larvae and nymphs occur on the host.

Musca autumnalis

The face fly Musca autumnalis occurs on cattle and sometimes horses around the world, including in Canada.

Stomoxys calcitrans — stable fly

The stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans occurs around the world. The life cycle involves egg laying in faeces or decaying and damp organic material, for example straw bedding.