
The cyathostomins are a large group of genera and species of closely related nematodes that live as adults in the large intestine of horses around the world, including Canada.

Dictyocaulus arnfieldi

The lung nematode Dictyocaulus arnfieldi occurs in horses and other equids in many parts of the world, including rarely in Canada.

Onchocerca cervicalis

The nematode Onchocerca cervicalis occurs in horses in many regions of the world where suitable midge intermediate hosts (Culicoides species) are also present.

Oxyuris equi

The pinworm nematode Oxyuris equi occurs in horses around the world, including Canada.

Parascaris equorum

The ascarid nematode Parascaris equorum occurs in horses around the world, including Canada.

Setaria species

Nematodes of the genus Setaria infect cattle, sheep, sometimes other domestic animal hosts, and many free-ranging ungulates around the world, including in Canada.

Setaria species — pigs

Nematodes of the genus Setaria infect cattle, sheep, sometimes other domestic animal hosts, and many free-ranging ungulates around the world, including in Canada.

Strongyloides westeri

The nematode Strongyloides westeri occurs in horses around the world, including Canada.

Strongylus edentatus

The nematode Strongylus edentatus occurs in horses around the world, including Canada.

Strongylus equinus

The nematode Strongylus equinus occurs in horses around the world, including Canada.

Strongylus vulgaris

The nematode Strongylus vulgaris occurs in horses around the world, including Canada.