Alaria species

Alaria species are intestinal trematodes of domestic dogs and occasionally cats, and of free-ranging canids and felids.

Ancylostoma caninum

Ancylostoma caninum is a pathogenic hookworm of domestic dogs and free-ranging canids, so called because its buccal capsule is bent dorsally in the form of a "hook."

Angiostrongylus vasorum

Angiostrongylus vasorum occur in dogs, foxes, coyotes and lynx. So far in Canada, the parasite is only found in the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. It's also found in South America, Europe and Africa.

Baylisascaris procyonis

Baylisascaris procyonis is a small-intestinal nematode of raccoons in North and Central America, including Canada

Capillaria plica

The nematode Capillaria plica occurs in the urinary bladder of dogs, free-ranging carnivores, and rarely cats, worldwide, likely including Canada.

Dioctophyma renale

Dioctophyma renale occurs in dogs, foxes, mink, ferrets, otters, cats (on occasion), pigs, horses, cattle and people.

Diphyllobothrium species

Adult cestodes of the genus Diphyllobothrium live in the small intestine of dogs and other fish-eating mammals and birds in many parts of the world, especially the northern hemisphere.

Dipylidium caninum

Dipylidium caninum is a tapeworm of the small intestines of domestic dogs and cats and free-ranging canids and felids.

Dirofilaria immitis

The nematode Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm) occurs in domestic dogs and less often in cats, and in free-ranging canids and other carnivores, in many regions of the world.

Dracunculus insignis

Diagnosed infections of Dracunculus insignis in dogs living in Canada seems to be very rare.

Echinococcus canadensis

The cestode genus Echinococcus contains at least seven established species, two of which (Echinococcus canadensis and E. multilocularis) occur in Canada.

Eucoleus (Capillaria) aerophila

Eucoleus aerophila is a tracheal worm that infects primarily foxes and occasionally other free-ranging carnivores, dogs, cats and people.

Mesocestoides species

Adults of the cestode genus Mesocestoides occur in dogs, cats, free-ranging carnivores, and very rarely people, in many parts of the world.

Metorchis conjunctus

Adults of the trematode Metorchis conjunctus live in the biliary system of domestic dogs and free-ranging fish-eating mammals in North America.

Nanophyetus salmincola

Adults of the trematode Nanophyetus salmincola live in the small intestine of domestic dogs and free-ranging fish-eating mammals in northwestern North America and eastern Russia.

Oslerus (Filaroides) osleri

Adults of the nematode Oslerus (Filaroides) osleri live in nodules beneath the tracheal mucosa of dogs in many parts of the world, including Canada, and in coyotes in North America.

Physaloptera species

Physaloptera spp. are spiruroid stomach nematodes that occur primarily in cats, wild felids and occasionally dogs in North America, including Canada, as well as in South America, China, and Africa.

Strongyloides stercoralis

The nematode Strongyloides stercoralis is primarily a parasite of people, but also occurs in dogs and sometimes cats.

Taenia species

The cestode genus Taenia includes several species that as adults live in the small intestine of dogs and/or cats and free-ranging carnivores around the world.

Toxascaris leonina

Toxascaris leonina is an ascarid nematode of the small intestine of domestic dogs and cats and free-ranging canids and felids.

Toxocara canis

Toxacara canis is an ascarid nematodes of the small intestine of dogs and free-ranging canids. It occurs around the world, including Canada, although in the northern regions of this country it is to some extent replaced by Toxascaris leonina.

Trichuris vulpis

Adults of the nematode Trichuris vulpis live in the large intestine of dogs and rarely cats. The life cycle is direct and the infective stage is a larvated egg.