Eutrombicula species on people

Trombiculid mites (harvest mites or chiggers) are free-living mites that occur in many parts of the world, including Canada.

Public health overview

Trombiculid mites (harvest mites or chiggers) are free-living mites that occur in many parts of the world, including Canada.  Only the larvae are parasitic, and they can infest mammals, including people, and birds.  Apparently very rarely, the larvae can also be transmitted directly from animals to people.  While Trombicula is the genus in Europe, Eutrombicula predominates in North America, especially the eastern regions of the continent.  Clinical signs in people include pruritic erythematous papules and urticarial plaques.  Vesicles sometimes develop within these lesions, and if the pruritus is severe, the resulting scratching can lead to skin damage.  Usually, but not always, the skin lesions occur primarily in areas of the body most likely to have direct contact with the mites in the environment.

Additional information about Eutrombicula and other trombiculid mites is available under Dogs .