Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Deeply rooted in Montreal and dedicated to its international mission, Universite de Montreal is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers. Like the city whose name it bears, it is effervescent and multicultural.

UdeM attracts over $500 million in research funding every year, making it one of the top three university research hubs in Canada.  It also ranks among the top 100 universities worldwide and among the five best French language universities.

Through the achievements of the members of its community, UdeM participates in building today's and tomoprrow's world.

Residency Program in Veterinary Dentistry

Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire



This residency is a 3-year (36 months), full time, post-graduate program of 108 credits obtained mostly from clinical training. A specialized study diploma (D.E.S.) is awarded upon completion of the program. The clinical training is designed to provide a broad educational experience in all aspects of clinical veterinary dentistry. The program has been developed to fulfill the board certification requirements of the American Veterinary Dental College. The resident will see a variety of clinical cases and participate in the didactic teaching currently offered at the veterinary school. The resident is required to complete a clinical research project and participate in the daily supervision of undergraduate students in veterinary dentistry. He (she) may also be asked to supervise the teaching laboratories of junior students. Residents are eligible for 3 weeks of holidays which will be determined by the consultation committee and the section supervisor. Any professional activities performed outside the residency program must be declared to the veterinary teaching hospital administrator. A master’s program may be offered after satisfactory completion of the first year.

• Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or equivalent
• Have recently completed an internship or have equivalent experience
• Practising license from the Ordre des Médecins Vétérinaires du Québec
• Working knowledge of French

TUITION FEES (Amounts shown are in Canadian currency):
• QC, Canadian outside QC and French/French-speaking Belgian students = On average $4,769/year
• International students = On average $18,457/year, including the UdeM exemption scholarship

For further information regarding special funding, foreign applicants, with the exception of French and Belgian francophone applicants, please contact Mrs. Marie-Ève Bouchard at marie-eve.bouchard.1@umontreal.ca 

• $24,000 /1st year
• $26,000 /2nd year*
• $28,000 /3rd year*
To these amounts are added $1,584 for the 1st year, $1,716 for the 2nd year and $1,848 for the 3rd year (3.6% for the payment of public holidays and 3% for benefits).
* Continuation of the program to a second and third year depends on the mutual satisfaction of the resident and the Faculty

The resident has a $3,200 allowance to attend conferences in his/her specialty, specialty boot camps or book purchases (maximum $CA 500 for books).

PROGRAM DURATION: September 3rd, 2024 to September 3rd, 2027

Any interested applicant must complete by June 15th, 2024, 8h00 at the latest all of the following procedures:
• Please contact Ms. Marie-Ève Bouchard at marie-eve.bouchard.1@umontreal.ca to inform her of your intent to apply;
• Complete a request of admission; https://admission.umontreal.ca/admission/depot-de-la-demande/demande-dadmission ($112 fee) and submit the following documents: a letter of intent, a resume (CV) and transcripts;
• The email addresses of three references will be needed during the application process; the references will have to fill out a form sent to them directly by the Université de Montréal and need to return the completed form by following the instructions. No other forms or reference letters will be needed;
• Students who have completed a clinical rotation at our Veterinary Teaching Hospital (CHUV) must provide their evaluation with their application for admission.

Important: Please indicate the specific position you are interested in on the application form

Candidate selection
The selected candidate will be contacted on July 15th, 2024, 8:00 am by phone and email. The candidate will have 24 hours to accept or decline the position. If a candidate withdraws, the next candidate on the rank list will be contacted until all positions are filled. The rank list will not be disclosed. This process can take several days. Candidates on the waiting list and candidates not selected will be notified by email.

For information about the residency program:
Dr. Caroline Proulx, m.v., DES, DAVDC, Dentistry service, CHUV, UdeM caroline.proulx.2@umontreal.ca

For information on the admission process please contact:
Ms. Marie-Ève Bouchard, Office of Student Affairs, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire marie-eve.bouchard.1@umontreal.ca Phone: 450 773-8521 or 514 345-8521 extension 8224