Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Food Animal Veterinarian

Warman Veterinary Services is looking for a Food Animal Veterinarian.

Warman Veterinary Services is looking for a Food Animal Veterinarian at either of our locations. We are a dairy and swine practise focusing on consulting herd-based medicine. We have something to offer that is different! Our practise is a youthful group of veterinarians looking to provide modern service to these changing industries. Salary and benefits are very competitive with industry standards and based on experience. New grads are encouraged to apply- we value mentorship and education.

Our practise is comprised of 2 locations - one in Saskatoon and one in Emerald Park, a total of 6 full time veterinarians.

Please supply a cover letter and resume to Dr. Curtis Read at Warman Veterinary Services.

Website: www.warmanvetservices.ca

Dr. Curtis Read’s cell phone: 306-535-2237 / Email: curtisread@warmanvetservices.ca