Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Research Area(s)

  • Environmental Toxicology, Molecular Genetics, Stress Biology, Aging

Academic Credentials

  • BSc, PhD, Biology, Carleton University
  • Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Biology and Genetics Institute, University of Florida

Research Interests

Our laboratory is interested in understanding molecular mechanisms that cells use to sense and respond to toxic environmental stress agents. The goal of our research is to uncover how genetic factors interact with environmental cues to influence fundamental cellular processes that shape whole-animal physiology (e.g. development, aging, stress resistance).

To answer these questions, our research uses the genetically tractable model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and combine a range of experimental approaches including classical genetics, molecular biology, protein biochemistry, and animal physiology.

*Students interested in undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral research should email Dr. Wu directly to discuss potential opportunities.

Select Publications

Chomyshen SC, Tabarraei H, Wu CW. (2022). Translational suppression via IFG-1/eIF4G inhibits stress-induced RNA alternative splicing in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics. 221(3):iyac075

Huynh D, Wu CW. (2022). High-throughput identification of oxidative stress-inducing environmental chemicals in the C. elegans system. Free Radic Biol Med. 191:59-65

Comfort JJ, Chomyshen, SC, Waddell BM, Tabarraei H, Wu CW. (2022). Molecular characterization of ethyl carbamate toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Toxicology Rep. 9:619-627.

Wu CW, Storey KB. (2021). mTOR signaling in metabolic stress adaptation. Biomolecules. 11(5). 681.

Murray SM, Waddell BM, Wu CW. (2020). Neuron-specific toxicity of chronic acrylamide exposure in C. elegans. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 77:106848.

Wu CW, Wimberly K, Pietra A, Dodd W, Atlas MB, Choe KP (2019). RNA processing errors triggered by cadmium and integrator complex disruption are signals for environmental stress. BMC Biol. 17(1):56

Wu CW, Deonarine A, Przybysz AJ, Strange K, Choe KP (2016). The Skp1 homologs SKR-1/2 are required for the Caenorhabditis elegans SKN-1 antioxidant/detoxification response independently of p38 MAPK. PLoS Genet. 12(10):e1006361.

Wu CW, Wang Y, Choe KP. (2017). F-Box Protein XREP-4 Is a New Regulator of the Oxidative Stress Response in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics. 206(2):859-871.

Dodd W, Tang L, Lone JC, Wimberly K, Wu CW, Consalvo C, Wright J, Pujols N, Choe KP.  (2018). A Damaged Sensor Associated with the Cuticle Coordinates Three Core Environmental Stress Responses in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics. 208(4):1467-1482.

Storey KB and Wu CW (2013). Stress response and adaptation: a new molecular toolkit for the 21st century. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 165(4):417-428.

Lab Website: www.usaskwormlab.ca