Suraj Unniappan
Centennial Enhancement Chair | Professor, Department of Veterinary Biomedical SciencesResearch Area(s)
- Comparative endocrinology, metabolism, growth, reproduction, diabetes, obesity, endocrine disorders
Academic Credentials
Dr. Unniappan is a full professor at the Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM), University of Saskatchewan. He is also the faculty-in-charge of the Endocrine Research Laboratory, a research service core unit of the WCVM.
During 2007-2012, Suraj was an assistant and then associate professor at the Department of Biology, York University. Suraj obtained his Ph.D. in Cell Biology and Physiology in 2004 from the University of Alberta, Canada under the supervision of late Dr. Richard Peter. He completed a CIHR & MSFHR funded post-doctoral training in biomedical research from the University of British Columbia in 2006, mentored by Dr. Timothy Kieffer. His Laboratory of Integrative Neuroendocrinology now focuses on three research themes: (i) neuroendocrine integration of reproduction and metabolism in fish, (ii) endocrine regulation of energy homeostasis in mammals, and (iii) endocrine basis of diseases in humans and domestic animals of commercial importance. He is currently leading a team to characterize the metabolic and glucoregulatory actions of nesfatin-1, a naturally occurring biologically active peptide. Dr. Unniappan is a recipient of several awards including the Zoetis Animal Health Research Award, Pickford Medal in Comparative Endocrinology from the Federation of Endocrinology Societies, inaugural Early Researcher Award from the US Endocrine Society, Bob Boutilier Award from the Canadian Society of Zoologists, Discovery Accelerator Award from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, CIHR New Investigator Award, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Top Biomedical Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) Early Researcher Award, York University Faculty of Science and Engineering Early Researcher Award, Elsevier Top Reviewer and Top Cited Awards, and fellowships from the CIHR, Canadian Diabetes Association and the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR). His research is funded by grants from the NSERC, CIHR, SHRF, Canada Foundation for Innovation and previously received funding from the MRI, and James H. Cummings Foundation. He is an editor of General and Comparative Endocrinology, and previously served as an editor and editorial member of Frontiers (Nature Publishing Group) journals in Cellular Endocrinology, Experimental Endocrinology and Neuroendocrinology. Suraj also serves a reviewer for numerous journals, and contributes as a reviewer or panel member of several national and international funding agencies. He teaches both DVM and graduate courses and mentors a large number of trainees.
For details on Dr. Unniappan’s professional activities, please visit: http://unniappanlab.com
Dr. Unniappan is a member of the One Reproductive Health Research Group (http://www.usask.ca/groups/onereproductivehealth/)
Research Interests
- Comparative Endocrinology
- Physiology
- Metabolism
- Islet Biology
- Reproduction
- Growth
- Fish Biology
- Aquaculture
- Diabetes and Obesity