Assistant or Associate Professor
Tenure track position in physiology, pharmacology and/or toxicology at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine
Applications are invited from qualified individuals for a tenure-track faculty at the assistant or associate professor level in the Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM).
The ideal candidate is expected to develop a very strong extramurally funded research program in physiology, pharmacology or toxicology relevant to animal and/or One Health that complements existing strengths in the department. The candidate will also provide important contributions to teaching pharmacology and related disciplines within the veterinary medicine (DVM) program.
About the WCVM and USask
The Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences (VBMS) encompasses multiple biomedical research areas including reproductive sciences and endocrinology, neuroscience and behaviour, pharmacology and toxicology, and cardiovascular physiology. The ideal candidate should utilize innovative multidisciplinary and translational approaches that intersect with the research interests of our faculty to enhance our strengths of collaborative and interdisciplinary teaching, research and service.
The WCVM houses the following:
- Animal Care Unit
- molecular core laboratory
- imaging centre including live imaging, confocal and electron microscopes
- ultrasound imaging station
- Cytation-5 high throughput cell imaging multi-mode reader
- PET-CT imaging suite
- access to a variety of other research facilities
Additional research facilities relevant to the position are available such as in the USask College of Medicine, USask College of Pharmacy and Nutrition and the USask Toxicology Centre.
The Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) is the premier centre for veterinary medical education and expertise in Western Canada. More than 350 undergraduate students are enrolled at the internationally recognized college that also includes the following:
- WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre, a state-of-the-art primary care and referral hospital
- BJ Hughes Centre for Clinical Learning (clinical simulation centre)
- Prairie Diagnostic Services, which provides expertise in support of animal health diagnostics, teaching and disease surveillance
The University of Saskatchewan (USask) has the widest array of health science colleges in Canada, including the WCVM, College of Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, and School of Public Health. Collaborative opportunities exist with these and other facilities on campus including the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO), Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canadian Light Source and Canada’s national synchrotron facility, Environment and Climate Canada, and the Toxicology Centre.
The USask campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. The University of Saskatchewan is in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a city with a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community and a full range of leisure opportunities. The University has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and scholarly activities and offers a full range of undergraduate, graduate and professional programs to a student population of over 24,000.
Qualifications and application process
Applicants must have a PhD in the area related to physiology, pharmacology or toxicology. Postdoctoral research and teaching experience would be desirable attributes. A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree is not required but would be an asset.
Salary bands for this position are as follows:
- Assistant Professor: $107,323 to $128,131
- Associate Professor: $128,131 to $148,939
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
This position includes a comprehensive benefits package which includes a dental, health and extended vision care plan; pension plan, life insurance (compulsory and voluntary), academic long-term disability, sick leave, travel insurance, death benefits, an employee assistance program, a professional expense allowance, and a flexible health and wellness spending program.
Interested candidates must submit:
- a cover letter outlining their qualifications and suitability for the position
- a detailed curriculum vitae
- a research plan including the intersection of the plan with department strengths (maximum three pages)
- a teaching philosophy statement (one page)
- a statement on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) summarizing the candidate’s experiences with EDI and how those experiences will enhance the department (one page)
- contact information for three references
Due to federal immigration requirements, we also ask candidates to indicate whether they are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or are otherwise already authorized to work at this position for the duration of the appointment, with an explanation if this last category is indicated. Candidates may be asked to provide proof of citizenship, residency or work eligibility.
Appropriately signed electronic or paper-based applications should be sent to:
Daniel J MacPhee, Professor and Head
Dept. of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, WCVM, University of Saskatchewan
52 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada | Email: cheryl.hack@usask.ca
Review of applications will begin March 1, 2025, though applications will be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled. The anticipated start date is July 1, 2025, but is negotiable.
The University of Saskatchewan is strongly committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that empowers all employees to reach their full potential. All members of the university community share a responsibility for developing and maintaining an environment in which differences are valued and inclusiveness is practiced. The university welcomes applications from those who will contribute to the diversity of our community. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.