Chris Clark
Associate Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical SciencesResearch Area(s)
- Cattle lameness, control and prevention of infectious disease, clinical pharmacology
Dr. Chris Clark graduated from the Cambridge University in the United Kingdom and then eventually came to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) for a one-year internship. After one year as a rural veterinarian in the UK, he returned to the WCVM to complete his residency, master’s and PhD degrees in clinical pharmacology.
As an associate professor, Dr. Clark has received numerous teaching awards, including the University of Saskatchewan’s Master Teacher Award in 2016.
He served as the WCVM’s associate dean academic from 2015 to 2024. His greatest interest is veterinary education — and cows’ feet.
Academic Credentials
- BA (Hons), Cambridge University, UK
- VetMB, Cambridge University, UK
- MVetSc, University of Saskatchewan
- PhD, University of Saskatchewan
- Residency in Large Animal Internal Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Research Interests
Dr. Clark's research interests are cattle lameness and the control and prevention of infectious disease. He has a particular interest in clinical pharmacology and is involved in the Canadian gFARAD initiative (Global Food Animal Residues Avoidance Databank). For more information, visit the gFARAD website.
Reist, R.M., Bath, B.L., Jelinski, M.D., Erickson, N.E.N., Clark, C.R., Trask, C.M. 2020. Risk factors associated with work-preventing musculoskeletal discomfort in the upper extremities of bovine practitioners. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 257(4): 410-416. https://www.doi.org/10.2460/JAVMA.257.4.410
Majcher, K., Eichorn, D., Waldner, C., Johnston, J., Clark, C., Jelinski, M. 2018. Assessing the sharpness of hypodermic needles after repeated use. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 59(10): 1112-1114.
Misuno, E., Clark, C.R., Anderson, S.L., Jenkins, E., Wagner, B., Dembek, K., Petrie, L. 2018. Characteristics of parasitic egg shedding over a 1-year period in foals and their dams in 2 farms in central Saskatchewan. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 59(3): 284-292.
Zeng, X., Reist, R., Jelinski, M., Bath, B., Erickson, N., Clark, C., Trask, C. 2018. Musculoskeletal discomfort among Canadian bovine practitioners: Prevalence, impact on work, and perception of physically demanding tasks. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 59(8): 871-879.