Fabienne Uehlinger
Associate Professor Department of Large Animal Clinical SciencesResearch Area(s)
- Veterinary epidemiology, health management of food and production animals, and food security
Academic Credentials
- Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Specialty: Large Animal Internal Medicine, 2011
- National Board Certification, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, 2011
- PhD, University of Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Veterinary College, 2008
- Degree in Veterinary Medicine (Med. Vet.), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland, 2002
Dr. Uehlinger teaches in the areas of Large Animal Internal Medicine with a particular focus on food and production animals. She has a special interest in diseases of dairy calves and in small ruminant and camelid health.
Research Interests
Dr. Uehlinger’s research interests are grounded in a desire to work collaboratively by combining her epidemiology skills, expertise in food animal medicine and her passion for animal health and human livelihoods, both in Canada and abroad.
Her research background lies in veterinary epidemiology, specifically in zoonotic protozoa in livestock and her primary interests include health management of food and production animals from an epidemiologist’s perspective. She currently focuses her research in Canada on calf health and production management.
Dr. Uehlinger also has a particular interest in food security and the socio-economic impact of animal health in resource-constrained communities in Kenya, Laos and Haiti. She is currently involved in collaborative research projects on improving livestock management in context-appropriate ways and which intensify current production systems in a sustainable manner.
Chapuis, R.J.J., Ragno, V.M., Ariza, C.A., Movasseghi, A.R., Sayi, S., Uehlinger, F.D., Montgomery, J.B. 2020. Septic fibrinous pericarditis in 4 horses in Saskatchewan following an outbreak of forest tent caterpillars in 2017. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 61(7): 724-730.
Queiroz, C., Levy, M., Avramenko, R., Redman, E., Kearns, K., Swain, L., Silas, H., Uehlinger, F., Gilleard, J.S. 2020. The use of ITS-2 rDNA nemabiome metabarcoding to enhance anthelmintic resistance diagnosis and surveillance of ovine gastrointestinal nematodes. International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance, 14: 105-117. https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpddr.2020.09.003
Wills, F.K., Campbell, J.R., Parker, S.E., Waldner, C.L., Uehlinger, F.D. 2020. Gastrointestinal nematode management in western Canadian cow-calf herds. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 61(4): 382-388.
Wills, F.K., Waldner, C.L., Campbell, J.R., Pollock, C., Uehlinger, F.D. 2020. Gastrointestinal nematode prevalence and fecal egg counts in beef cattle from western Canada. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 61(6): 605-612.
Ragno, V.M., Uehlinger, F.D., Gabadage, K., Movasseghi, A.R., Montgomery, J.B. 2019. Investigation of a Yersinia enterocolitica outbreak in a commercial alpaca farm in Saskatchewan. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 60(8): 877-882.
Richards, S., Vanleeuwen, J., Peter, S.G., Wichtel, J., Kamunde, C., Uehlinger, F., Gitau, G. 2019. Impact of mineral feeding on reproductive efficiency on smallholder dairy farms in Kenya. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 31(6). http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd31/6/srich31080.html
Scott, H., Gilleard, J.S., Jelinski, M., Barkema, H.W., Redman, E.M., Avramenko, R.W., Luby, C., Kelton, D.F., Bauman, C.A., Keefe, G., Dubuc, J., Uehlinger, F.D. 2019. Prevalence, fecal egg counts, and species identification of gastrointestinal nematodes in replacement dairy heifers in Canada. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(9): 8251-8263. https://www.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-16115
Scott, H., Jelinski, M., Luby, C., Uehlinger, F. 2019. Endoparasite control practices on Saskatchewan dairy farms. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 60(6): 613-618.
Uehlinger, F.D., Freeman, D.A., Waldner, C.L. 2019. The One Health leadership experience at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 46(2): 172-183. https://www.doi.org/10.3138/jvme.0617-082r
Corbett, C.S., Naqvi, S.A., Bauman, C.A., De Buck, J., Orsel, K., Uehlinger, F., Kelton, D.F., Barkema, H.W. 2018. Prevalence of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infections in Canadian dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(12): 11218-11228. https://www.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-14854
Epp, T., Uehlinger, F.D., Wojnarowicz, C., Malhi, P.S., Sayi, S., Woodbury, M.R. 2018. Observations of mortality in farmed bison in the Canadian prairies: 2103 – 2016. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 157: 1-7. https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.05.014
Uehlinger, F.D., Wilkins, W., Godson, D.L., Drebot, M.A. 2018. Seroprevalence of Cache Valley virus and related viruses in sheep and other livestock from Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 59(4): 413-418.
Winder, C.B., Bauman, C.A., Duffield, T.F., Barkema, H.W., Keefe, G.P., Dubuc, J., Uehlinger, F., Kelton, D.F. 2018. Canadian National Dairy Study: Heifer calf management. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(11): 10565-10579. https://www.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-14680
Uehlinger, F.D., Naqvi, S.A., Greenwood, S.J., McClure, J.T., Conboy, G., O'Handley, R., Barkema, H.W. 2017. Comparison of five diagnostic tests for Giardia duodenalis in fecal samples from young dogs. Veterinary Parasitology, 244: 91-96. https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2017.07.030
Waldner, C.L., Uehlinger, F.D. 2017. Factors associated with serum vitamin A and vitamin E concentrations in beef calves from Alberta and Saskatchewan and the relationship between vitamin concentrations and calf health outcomes. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 97(1): 65-82. https://www.doi.org/10.1139/cjas-2016-0055
Peter, S.G., Gitau, G.K., Richards, S., Vanleeuwen, J.A., Uehlinger, F., Mulei, C.M., Kibet, R.R. 2016. Risk factors associated with Cryptosporidia, Eimeria, and diarrhea in smallholder dairy farms in Mukurwe-ini Sub-County, Nyeri County, Kenya. Veterinary World, 9(8): 811-819. https://www.doi.org/10.14202/vetworld.2016.811-819
Richards, S., VanLeeuwen, J.A., Shepelo, G., Gitau, G.K., Wichtel, J., Kamunde, C., Uehlinger, F. 2016. Randomized controlled trial on impacts of dairy meal feeding interventions on early lactation milk production in smallholder dairy farms of Central Kenya. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 125: 46-53. https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.01.006
Uehlinger, F.D., Johnston, A.C., Bollinger, T.K., Waldner, C.L. 2016. Systematic review of management strategies to control chronic wasting disease in wild deer populations in North America. BMC Veterinary Research, 12(1): 173. https://www.doi.org/10.1186/s12917-016-0804-7