Joe Stookey
Professor Emeritus, Department of Large Animal Clinical SciencesAcademic Credentials
- BSc, University of Illinois
- MSc, University of Illinois
- PhD, University of Illinois
After completing an MSc, Dr. Stookey spent the next five years managing the 1,000 ewe sheep flock and research unit at the University of Illinois. In 1985 Dr. Stookey managed the Swine Research Centre at the University of Illinois and began his work on a PhD During his PhD program, Dr. Stookey spent one year in Kenya as a member of the Animal Science Department at Edgerton University, Njoro where he taught basic animal science courses. He completed his PhD in 1991 in the field of applied animal behaviour.
Research Interests
Dr. Stookey's research program focuses on the maternal and social behaviour of cattle, swine and sheep as well as the factors that influence handling and temperament in beef cattle. As an applied animal behaviourist, he has aimed his research at improving the productivity and welfare in domestic food animals through the application and investigation of the behavioral processes. In addition to his research, Dr. Stookey lectures to the first year veterinary students on basic animal behaviour principles and gives presentations to producer organizations.