Reuben Mapletoft
Professor Emeritus, Department of Large Animal Clinical SciencesAcademic Credentials
- DVM, University of Guelph
- Intern, University of Saskatchewan
- MS and PhD, University of Wisconsin
- Specialist, Theriogenology by CVMA
Research Interests
Dr. Mapletoft has a very active research and graduate student training program, paying particular attention to the control of ovarian function, superovulation, in vitro fertilization, embryo freezing and all other aspects of embryo transfer technology.
Dr. Mapletoft's particular interest is bovine reproduction. He has a very active research and graduate student training program, paying particular attention to the control of ovarian function, superovulation, in vitro fertilization, embryo freezing and all other aspects of embryo transfer technology. Dr. Mapletoft has lectured in more than 30 countries and conducts an annual embryo transfer workshop for students, practitioners and visiting scientists.
Vassena R, Mapletoft R, Allodi S, Singh J, Adams G. 2003. “Morphology and developmental competence of bovine oocytes relative to follicular status.” Theriogenology. 60: 923-932. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science
Colazo M, German K, John P, Mapletoft R. 2003. “Effects of estradiol cypionate (ECP) on ovarian follicular dynamics, synchrony of ovulation and fertility in CIDR-based, fixed-time AI programs in beef heifers.” Theriogenology. 60: 855-865. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science
Mapletoft R, Bennett-Steward K, Adams G. 2002. “Recent advances in the superovulation of cattle.” Reprod Nut Dev. 42: 601-611. http://www.edpsciences.org
Martinez M, Kastelic J, Adams G, Mapletoft R. 2002. “The use of a progesterone-releasing device (CIDR-B) or melengestrol acetate with GnRH, LH, or estradiol benzoate for fixed-time AI in beef heifers.” J Anim Sci. 80: 1746-1751. http://jas.fass.org
Thundathil J, Barth A, Mapletoft R. 2002. “Plasma membrane and acrosomal integrity in bovine spermatozoa with the knobbed acrosome defect.” Theriogenology. 58: 87-102. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science
Colazo M, Martinez M, Kastelic J, Mapletoft R. 2002. “Effects of dose and route of administration of cloprostenol on luteolysis, estrus, and ovulation in beef heifers.” Anim Reprod Sci. 72: 47-62. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science
Colaz M, Martinez M, Kastelic J, Mapletoft R, Carruthers T. 2002. “The ischiorectal fossa: an alternate route for the administration of prostaglandin in cattle.” Canadian Veterinary Journal. 43: 535-541.