Hilary Burgess
Clinical Associate, Department of Veterinary PathologyOn leave - July 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Academic Credentials
- BSc, University of Guelph, 1996
- DVM, University of Guelph, 2001
- DVSc, University of Guelph, 2007
- Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists
Research Interests
Dr. Burgess teaches hemostasis in the undergraduate general pathology course (VTPA 352.3), as well as undergraduate clinical pathology to fourth-year students (VTPA 580), and graduate diagnostic clinical pathology (VTPA 850-853), hematology (VTPA 810) and chemistry (VTPA 811).
Dr. Burgess also contributes to the diagnostic clinical pathology service offered by Prairie Diagnostic Services, Inc.
Burgess HJ, W Wagner B. Identification of microfilaria in a mammary mass aspirate from a femal dog. Accepted by the Canadian Veterinary Journal: July 2015.
Sanchez-Teran AF*, Bracamonte JL, Hendrick S, Burgess HJ, Duke-Novakovski T, Schott M, Hoff B, Rubio-Martinez LM. Effect of arthroscopic lavage on systemic and synovial fluid serum amyloid A in healthy horses. Veterinary Surgery 2015 DOI:10.1111/vsu.12439
Scuderi M*, Bessey L, Snead ECR, Burgess H, Carr A. Congenital Type III von Willebrand’s Disease unmasked by hypothyroidism in a Shetland Sheepdog. Canadian Veterinary Journal 2015; 56(9): 937-941
Schvartz G*, Epp T, Burgess HJ, Chilton NB, Lohmann KL. Comparison between available serologic tests for detecting antibodies against Anaplasma phogocytophilum and Borrelia burgdorferi in horses in Canada. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2015 (July); 27(4): 540-546.
Schvartz G*, Epp T, Burgess H, Chilton N, Pearl DL, Lohmann K. Seroprevalence of equine granulocytic anaplasmosis and Lyme borreliosis in Canada as determined by a point-of-care ELISA. Canadian Veterinary Journal 2015; 56(6): 575-80.
Schvartz G*, Epp T, Burgess H, Chilton N, Armstrong JS, Lohmann K. Passive surveillance for ticks on horses in Saskatchewan. Canadian Veterinary Journal 2015; 56(5): 486-490.
Kong LR*, Snead ECR, Burgess H, Dhumeaux MP. Recurrent episodes of severe bleeding caused by congenital factor XIII deficiency in a dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2014; 245(10): 1147-1152.
Burgess H*, Gaunt MC. Pathology in Practice. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2014; 245(10): 1107-1109.
Lockerbie BP, Bollinger TK, Burgess HJ*. Use of the polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of Babesia odocoilei 18S ribosomal RNA in formalin-fixed tissues. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2014; 26(4):538-541.
Kruzeniski SJ, Tam FM, Burgess H* Pathology in Practice. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2013; 243(12): 1705-1707.
Davies J, Epp T, Burgess H* Prevalence and geographic distribution of canine and feline blastomycosis in the Canadian Prairies. Canadian Veterinary Journal: 2013; 54: 753-760.
Pattullo K, Wobeser G, Lockerbie B, Burgess H*. Babesia odocoilei infection in a Saskatchewan elk herd. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2013; 25(4): 535-540.
Kerr M, Burgess H*. What is your diagnosis? Gingival mass in a dog. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 2013; 42(1): 115-116.
Meachem MD, Burgess HJ, Davies JL, Kidney BA*. Utility of nuclear morphometry in the cytologic evaluation of canine cutaneous soft tissue sarcomas. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2012; 24(3): 525-530.
Burgess HJ*, Lockerbie BP, Czerwinski S, Scott M. Equine laryngeal rhinosporidiosis in western Canada. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2012; 24(4): 777-780.
Burgess H, Chilton NB, Krakowetz CN, Williams C, Lohmann K*. Granulocytic anaplasmosis in a horse from Saskatchewan. Canadian Veterinary Journal 2012; 53(8): 886-888.
Sadar MJ*, Parker D, Burgess H, Wojnarowicz C. Two cases of vaginal bleeding in pet rats. Canadian Veterinary Journal: January 2011; 52: 768-771