Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Research Area(s)

  • Veterinary Ophthalmology


Dr. Leis is an associate professor and board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree in 2012, completed a rotating small animal internship at the WCVM in 2013 and a residency in veterinary ophthalmology in 2016. Her research interests include diseases associated with the ocular surface and their link to the ocular microbiota.

Academic Credentials

  • BSc, College of Arts and Science, U of S
  • DVM, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, U of S
  • MVSc, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, U of S
  • Diplomate, ACVO

Research Interests

  • Post-operative ocular hypertension and glaucoma following cataract surgery
  • Changes of the ocular surface microbiome in healthy and diseased states


Bowden, Anna Catherine; Allbaugh, Rachel; Gall, Andrew; Marina Leis; Costa, Matheus; Sebbag, Lionel. (2024). Ocular diagnostics, ophthalmic findings, and conjunctival microbiome in the Chilean flamingo. Veterinary Ophthalmology, doi: 10.1111/vop.13242.

Gafen HB, Liu CC, Ineck NE, Scully CM, Mironovich MA, Taylor CM, Luo M, Marina Leis, Scott EM, Carter RT, Hernke DM, Paul NC, Lewin AC. Alterations to the bovine bacterial ocular surface microbiome in the context of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis. (2023). Animal Microbiome. 5(1):60. 

Mills, E. P., Liu, C. C., Mironovich, M. A., Taylor, C. M., Luo, M., Emelogu, U., Scott, E. M., Marina Leis, Carter, R. T., Camacho-Luna, P., & Lewin, A. C. (2023). Relationship between the bacterial ocular surface microbiota and outcomes for cats with feline herpesvirus type 1 ocular surface disease. Veterinary ophthalmology, 10.1111/vop.13157.

Hannah B. Gafen, Chin-Chi Liu, Nikole E. Ineck, Clare M. Scully, Melanie A. Mironovich, Lauren Guarneri, Christopher M. Taylor, Meng Luo, Marina Leis, Erin M. Scott, Renee T. Carter, and Andrew C. Lewin, (2023). Relative and Quantitative Characterization of the Bovine Bacterial Ocular Surface Microbiome in the Context of Suspected Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Animals, 13, 1976.

Allyssa Cloet, Arthur Nery da Silva, Fernanda Luiza Facioli, Shayna Levitt, Lynne Sheila Sandmeyer, Matheus de Oliveira Costa, and Marina Leis, (2023). Streptococcus canis prevalence on the normal and abnormal ocular surface of dogs referred for ophthalmic disease in Canada. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 65:16.

Marina Leis, (2023). An update on the ocular surface bacterial microbiota in small animals. Veterinary Clinics of North America, 53(2):299-318.

Marina Leis & Grahn BH, (2023). Glaucoma associated with anterior segment dysgenesis in dogs and cats. Veterinary Clinics of North America, 53(2):423-437.

Daniela Losada-Medina, Bruce H Grahn, Isabelle Desprez, Marina Leis, (2022). Unilateral phacoclastic uveitis in a young crested gecko (Correlophus ciliatus). Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 44: 53-57.

Stephanie Chang, Danielle Zwueste, Barbara Ambros, Jonathan Norton, Marina Leis, (2022). Comparison of the effect of sedation and general anesthesia on pattern and flash visual evoked potentials in normal dogs. BMC Veterinary Research, 18(1):272.

Marina Leis, Sandmeyer LS, Costa MO, (2022). Streptococcus canis ST43 may be associated with treatment failure in dogs with corneal ulceration. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 260(12):1507-1513.

Bruna Maria Remonato Franco, Marina Leis, Melody Wong, Tory Shynkaruk, Trever Crowe, Bryan Fancher, Scott Gillingham, Nick French and Karen Schwean-Lardner, (2022). Light color and the commercial broiler: Effect on ocular health and visual acuity. Frontiers in Physiology, 13, doi 10.3389/fphys.2022.855266.

Geneviève Lavallée, Stephanie C Osinchuk, Dennilyn Parker, Marina Leis, Lynne S Sandmeyer, (2022). Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in a Canada lynx with phacoclastic uveitis. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 63(3):285-291.

Scott EM, Lewin AC, Marina Leis, (2021). Current ocular microbiome investigations limit reproducibility and reliability: Critical review and opportunities. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 24(1):4-11.

Marina Leis, Madruga GM, Costa MO, (2021). The porcine corneal surface bacterial microbiome: A distinctive niche within the ocular surface. PLos One, 16(2):e0247392.

Osinchuk S, Salpeter E, Lavallee G, Marina Leis, Sandmeyer L, (2020). Effect of intracameral epinephrine on heart rate, post-operative ocular hypertension, and long-term outcome following canine phacoemulsification, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 23(5):872-878.

Sandmeyer L, Kingsley N, Waldner C, Archer S, Marina Leis, Bellone R, Bauer B, (2020). Risk factors for equine recurrent uveitis in a population of Appaloosa horses in western Canada, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 23(3):515-525.

Osinchuk S, Marina Leis, Salpeter E, Sandmeyer L, Grahn B, (2019). Evaluation of retinal morphology of canine sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome using optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 22(4):398-406.

Marina Leis, de Oliveira Costa M, (2019). Initial description of the core microbiome of the ocular surface in dogs: bacterial community diversity and composition in a defined canine population, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 22(3):337-344.

Marina Leis, Danica Lucyshyn, Bianca Bauer, Bruce Grahn, Lynne Sandmeyer., (2018). Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome in Western Canada: 93 cases., Canadian Veterinary Journal, 58(11): 1195-1199.

Vanessa Holly, Lesley Zwicker, Gregory Starrak, Marina Leis, Bianca Bauer, Stephanie Osinchuk, Lynne Sandmeyer, Bruce Grahn, (2018). Odontogenic parakeratinizing cyst resulting in exophthalmos and palatine, maxillary, and zygomatic bone erosion in a dog, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 21(5):539-543.

Marina Leis, Mary-Magdalene Dodd, Gregory Starrak, Catherine Vermette, Henry Classen, Susantha Gomis, Bianca Bauer, Lynne Sandmeyer, Bruce Grahn., (2017). Effect of prolonged photoperiod on ocular tissues of domestic turkeys, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 20(3): 232 - 241.

Stephanie Osinchuk, Lyall Petrie, Marina Leis, Fritz Schumann, Bianca Bauer, Lynne Sandmeyer, Kayla Madder, Fiona Buchanan, Bruce Grahn, (2017). Congenital nuclear cataracts in a Holstein dairy herd, Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 58(5): 488 - 492.

Marina Leis, Elyse Salpeter, Dale Godson, Bruce Grahn, (2016). Primary bilateral corneal nerve sheath neoplasm in a dog, Veterinary Ophthalmology, Epub1 - 7.

Karen Schwean-Lardner, Catherine Vermette, Marina Leis, Henry Classen, (2016). Basing turkey lighting programs on broiler research: A good idea? A comparison of 18 daylength effects on broiler and turkey welfare, Animals, 6(5): 27 - 43.