Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Research Area(s)

  • Medical education and cross sectional imaging (CT and MRI)


Dr. Sukut is an assistant professor of medical imaging at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. After graduating from the WCVM in 2001, she completed an equine internship in Virginia and then worked as an emergency veterinarian in Victoria, B.C.

In 2012, Dr. Sukut returned to the WCVM as a clinical associate in radiation oncology. She began a residency in medical imaging in 2013, and after completing the program, she joined the WCVM's faculty.

Academic Credentials

  • BSc
  • DVM, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, 2001
  • Diplomate, ACVR


  • Gu, J., Sukut, S., Aoki, K., Zwicker, L.  2019.  Extrahepatic biliary duct obstruction secondary to duodenal foreign bodies in 2 dogs.  Canadian Veterinary Journal, 60(9): 985-989.

  • Zwueste, D.M., Pacheco, J., Sukut, S.  2019.  What is your diagnosis?  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 255(12): 1239-1241.  https://www.doi.org/10.2460/javma.255.12.1339

  • Fan, V.C., Mayer, M.N., Sukut, S.L., Gustafson, N.R., Mauldin, G.N., Waldner, C.L.  2018.  Retrospective survey of owners’ experiences with palliative radiation therapy for pets.  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 253(3): 307-314.  https://www.doi.org/10.2460/javma.253.3.307

  • Mayer, M.N., Sweet, K.A., Patsikas, M.N., Sukut, S.L., Waldner, C.L.  2018.  Frequency of an accessory popliteal efferent lymphatic pathway in dogs.  Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 59(3): 365-373.  https://www.doi.org/10.1111/vru.12600