Welcome to GMP

The WCVM Glassware and Media Preparation (GMP) facility, administered by the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, provides WCVM researchers and laboratories with a variety of glassware, media preparation, cleaning and autoclaving services.
Our staff can customize media to your specific needs and with exacting standards.
The following services are offered at GMP:
- Prepared Media - common and specialized recipes
- Purchase of Chemicals - reagents, solutions, broth
- Use of Glassware
- Consumables - gloves, needles, scalpel blades, syringes
- Distilled Water
- Crushed Ice
- Balances
- pH Meters
- Water Baths
- Certified Weights
- Cleaning and Sterilizing
- Decontamination Services

To find out more about our services or to obtain a quote, please contact:
GMP LabRoom 2644, Western College of Veterinary Medicine
52 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4
Phone: 306-966-7227