Arely Hernandez Davila
Graduate Student, Department of Veterinary MicrobiologyProfile
- PhD Student
- Supervisor: Dr. Vikram Misra
- Home country and community: Mexico City, Mexico
Academic Credentials
- MSc, Biochemical Sciences
- BSc, Biology
Research Interests
The broad objective of my project is to study the molecular mechanisms that lead to persistent infection of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-causing cornavirus in the natural bat host reservoir. Previously Dr. Misra's group found that bat cells select for mutant variants of the virus lacking the open reading frame 5 (ORF5) protein, which allows the bat cells to increase its innate reponse. However, the wildtype virus is able to suppress the innate response and induces apoptosis. Then, the aim of my project is to test if ORF5 is able to suppress the innate response and induces apoptosis.