Manuel Chirino-Trejo
Professor Emeritus, Department of Veterinary MicrobiologyAcademic Credentials
- DVM, National University, Mexico
- MSc, Ontario Veterinary College
- PhD, Veterinary Microbiology, University of Guelph
Research Interests
Rubin, J.E., Chirino-Trejo, M. 2011. Prevalence, sites of colonization, and antimicrobial resistance among Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pseudointermedius isolated from healthy dogs in Saskatoon, Canada. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 23: 351-354.
Rubin, J.E., Ball, K.R., Chirino-Trejo, M. 2011. Antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pseudointermediusisolated from various animals. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 52: 153-157.
Rubin, J.E., Call, K.R., Chirino-Trejo, M. 2011. Decreased susceptibility of MRSA ST398 to tiamulin. Veterinary Microbiology, 151(3-4): 422-423.
Woodbury, M.R., Chirino-Trejo, M. 2011. A survey of the fecal bacteria of bison (Bison bison) for potential pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility of bison-origin E. coli. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 52: 414-418.
Rubin J.E., Bayly M.K., Chirino-Trejo, M. 2010. Comparison of dog and rabbit plasmas in the tube coagulase test for Staphylococcus aureusJournal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 22:770-771.
Rubin, J.E., Chirino-Trejo, M. 2010. Inducibly cefoxitin resistant Macrococcus-like Organism falsely identified as MRSA on CHROMagar with oxacillin Journal of Clinical Microbiology 48(8): 3037-3038.
Rubin, J.E., Chirino-Trejo, M. 2010 Pharyngeal rectal and nasal colonization of clinically healthy dogs with Staphylococcus aureus. Veterinary Microbiology, 143(2-4):440-441.
Olson, GL, Robine, L, Rosengren, LB, Baker, CD, Dugan, M, Chirino, M, Weber, LP, and Harding, JCS, 2009. Parturition induction two days perior to term decreases birth weight and lactational growth, but not piglet maturity, health or post-weaning growth. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 89:219-228.
Raúl C. Mainar-Jaime, Nemat Atashparvar, Manuel Chirino-Trejo, and Kris Rahn, 2008. Survey on Salmonella prevalence in slaughter pigs from Saskatchewan. Can Vet J, 49(8): 793–796.
Fricke, J.A., Clark, C., Boison, J., Chirino-Trejo, J.M., Inglis, T., and Dowling, P.M., 2008. Pharmacokinetics and tissue depletion of tilmicosin in turkeys. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 31:591-594.
Ball, K.R., Rubin, J.E., Chirino-Trejo, M. and Dowling, P.M., 2008. Antimicrobial resistance and prevalence of canine uropathogens at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Teaching Hospital, 2002-2007. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 49:985-990.
Woodbury, M.R., Chirino-Trejo, M., and Mihajlovic, B., 2008. Diagnostic detection methods for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosisin white-tailed deer. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 49(7):683-688.
Rovay H, Barth AD, Chirino-Trejo M, Martínez MF, 2008. Update on treatment of vesiculitis in bulls. Theriogenology, 70(3):495-503.
Checkley SL, Campbell JR, Chirino-Trejo M, Janzen ED, McKinnon JJ, 2008. Antimicrobial resistance in generic fecal Escherichia coliobtained from beef cattle on arrival at the feedlot and prior to slaughter, and associations with volume of total individual cattle antimicrobial treatments in one western Canadian feedlot. Can J Vet Res, 72(2):101-8.
Olkowski AA, Wojnarowicz C, Chirino-Trejo M, Laarveld B, Sawicki G, 2008. Sub-clinical necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens: Novel etiological consideration based on ultra-structural and molecular changes in the intestinal tissue. Res Vet Sci, 85(3):543-53.
Clark C, Greenwood S, Boison JO, Chirino-Trejo M, Dowling PM, 2008. Bacterial isolates from equine infections in western Canada (1998-2003). Can Vet J, 49(2):153-60.
Mainar-Jaime RC, Atashparvar N, Chirino-Trejo M, Blasco JM, 2008. Accuracy of two commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the detection of antibodies to Salmonella spp. in slaughter pigs from Canada. Prev Vet Med, 85(1-2):41-51.
Mainar-Jaime RC, Atashparvar N, Chirino-Trejo M, 2008. Estimation of the diagnostic accuracy of the invA-gene-based PCR technique and a bacteriological culture for the detection of Salmonella spp. in caecal content from slaughtered pigs using Bayesian analysis. Zoonoses Public Health, 55(2):112-8.
E.J. Jenkins, A.M. Veitch, S.J. Kutz, T.K. Bollinger, J.M. Chirino-Trejo, B.T. Elkin, K.H. West, E.P. Hoberg and L. Polley, 2007. Protostrongylid parasites and pneumonia in captive and wild thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 43(2): 189-205.