Strongyloides stercoralis in people

Strongyloides stercoralis is zoonotic, and can be transmitted from dogs to people and vice versa. In the human host, the filariform larvae can cause cutaneous larva migrans as they penetrate the skin, very large burdens of migrating larvae can cause significant lung pathology, and the adult female S. stercoralis can be associated with GI symptoms.

Public health overview

Strongyloides stercoralis is zoonotic, and can be transmitted from dogs to people and vice versa. In the human host, the filariform larvae can cause cutaneous larva migrans as they penetrate the skin, very large burdens of migrating larvae can cause significant lung pathology, and the adult female S. stercoralis can be associated with GI symptoms.

Strongyloides stercoralis is a particular problem in people who are immuno-suppressed, in part because of auto-infection. The parasite is a potentially very serious pathogen in these individuals.

Additional information about Strongyloides stercoralis is available under Dogs.