Western College of Veterinary Medicine


The Allard-Roozen Imaging Suite is located on the west side of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM). It's only a few steps away from the Saskatchewan Cyclotron Facility where the short-lived radionuclides are produced for PET imaging.

The WCVM is one of only five North American veterinary colleges with a positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) unit available for clinical use in animals and for research studies.

The Allard-Roozen Imaging Suite also includes:

  • a hot lab for manipulating and dispensing radiopharmaceuticals
  • a kennel area approved for isolating radioactive animals
  • workstations for image processing
  • an uptake room for human studies

PET-CT technicians can: 

  • discuss the capabilities of the available equipment
  • help you plan your protocols
  • operate the PET-CT unit
  • assist with safe handling of radiopharmaceuticals


PET-CT unit


Image processing


Fees for PET research

Fee schedule for members of USask community

  • User provides radionuclide, anesthesia, and medications.
  • A technologist and same day use of hot lab and isolation stall are included.

$273 per hour or $579 per half day

Package rates for VMC managed clinical cases and external users are available. Housing of research animals and assistance with anesthesia can be co-ordinated with the WCVM Animal Care Unit — subject to availability.

Research on human subjects requires further licensing and user co-ordinated medical oversight. Potential use of the PET-CT unit for human health research can be explored for specific projects.

Potential users should contact the radiation safety officer early in the planning phase to discuss capabilities and specific requirements for their projects.