Bison Integrated Genomics (BIG) Project
The Bison Integrated Genomics (BIG) Project is a Genome Canada-funded project in collaboration with Parks Canada and the University of Saskatchewan.
The project's overall goal is to ensure the existence of healthy, genetically pure bison, without domestic cattle and subspecies introgression, and with long-term sustainable genetic diversity in Canada’s bison herds.
Genomics-derived solution will focus on developing four novel genomics tools for bison conservation and deliver:
- Improved diagnostic assays for bovine bTB using advanced proteomic and transcriptomics tools
- A prototype combined recombinant Brucella/rBCG vaccine for use in wood bison, the vaccine development partnership between the University of Saskatchewan, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) and Parks Canada
- A validated SNP chip to evaluate the genetic composition and integrity of existing bison herds
- Rescue and transfer of healthy germplasm between wild and genetically depauperate herds.
For more information, contact:
Reshma Rizvi
Scientific Project Manager
Bison Integrated Genomics Project
University of Saskatchewan