Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Varioskan LUX multimode microplate reader

This instrument is equipped with the technology to measure both absorbance and fluorescence. Excitation from 200 to 1000 nm and emission from 270 to 840 nm.

It selects the measurement wavelength using monochromators, with no need for specific filters.

Reads plate formats of six to 384 wells.

Software has the ability to combine data from multiple plates to the same data set for combined analysis as well as manual or automatic data export to any location (single click data export to Microsoft Excel).

Booking equipment

To ensure the availability of the microplate reader, please book the time that you are intending to use the equipment in advance. To view availability, please visit the multi-user calendar. Please note: you must be a University of Saskatchewan PAWS user with a valid NSID and you must be logged in to PAWS before you can book times on the following calendar.

To book equipment: please click on the selected date and select the "Add+" symbol in the bottom corner of the date box to open the calendar submission form. Please fill in all of the form's fields. Remember to include your name and telephone number as well as your start time and end time in the form's title box. 

To cancel your equipment booking: please click on the event to open an "Edit" window. Click "Delete" on the form. 

For more information about arranging use of the above equipment, please contact Champika Fernando (306-966-7228), WCVM molecular microbiology lab co-ordinator.