Common-use research laboratories

The WCVM operates several common-use research laboratories that are available to research teams at the college. The following information introduces the four research labs, their services, and their respective managers.

Molecular Microbiology Laboratory

Champika Fernando ( manages access to the WCVM’s molecular microbiology laboratory, which serves as a resource for all WCVM researchers for their molecular work. She also manages shared equipment in the WestGen Research Suite at the veterinary college.  

SERVICES OFFERED: Champika can teach you or your graduate students to use molecular biology and microbiology equipment for techniques such as DNA or RNA isolation, quantification, quality assessment, qPCR, cloning, and bacterial culture and isolation. Champika can also consult with you before you start your research project, assisting with planning and experimental design. Champika also manages the liquid nitrogen supply for the college.

Visit the molecular microbiology lab’s web page to view a detailed list of equipment and techniques available for your use. 

Omics Resource Centre

Funded by IntegrOmes and WCVM

Dr. Martin Mau ( is the genomics laboratory manager of the Omics Resource Centre. This genomics, transcriptomics and other ’omics laboratory is in the process of being set up, with the goal of having some services available by late 2024. 

SERVICES OFFERED: Martin will consult with you and your graduate students (whether you’re newbies or experts) to determine your needs and guide you through the process from sample collection to sequencing to data analyses. This core facility aims to provide sequencing services that are tailored to the needs of the animal agriculture and basic research community. The lab will also provide students with supervised interaction and learning experiences with ’omics tools — opportunities you can’t access from mass sequencing facilities.

A lab web page listing services, equipment and fees is coming soon. 

Clinical Sciences Research Laboratories

Karen Gesy ( manages the laboratories located past the WCVM buffeteria. While Karen is a resource for the WCVM community, her primary aim is to help clinical faculty from the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences (SACS) and Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences (LACS). 

SERVICES OFFERED: Karen will show you or your graduate students how to use the labs’ range of equipment, or she will run the sample preparation and analyses for you on a first-come, first-serve basis (priority given to clinical faculty). Techniques include blood processing and storage, bacterial isolation, fecal floats, sperm analyses, ELISAs for hormones or other molecules, as well as some common molecular techniques such as DNA/RNA isolation and qPCR. Karen can help order materials required for your assay and then run it for you, with cost-recovery fees for machine use and reagents.

A lab web page listing services, equipment and fees is coming soon). 

WCVM Imaging Suite

Eiko Kawamura ( manages the WCVM Imaging Suite, which is a fee-for-service facility. 

SERVICES OFFERED: Eiko offers all manner of microscopy and sample preparation needed for microscopy, including transmission electron, scanning electron, TIRF and confocal microscopy. Eiko will help by preparing your samples for electron microscopy. She can provide tips for light microscopy sample preparations — imaging them or providing training on microscopy so that you can take images by yourself — and then guide you through image analysis basics. Basic histology sample processing, sectioning and staining are also available in the histology suite’s self-service area (next to the imaging suite) as a yearly subscription or pay-per-use fee for WCVM faculty and their students.

Visit the suite’s web page for a detailed list of equipment available and costs. 

Download PDF listing WCVM common-use research laboratories and their managers