Simple Interrupted

simple interrupted


  • interrupted
  • appositional
  • appropriate for normal tension on the incision's edges
    • local tension is managed by adjusting tension on individual sutures
    • not recommended if significant tension
  • minimal impact on the local blood supply to the incision's edges unless overtightened

Horizontal mattress

Horizontal mattress


  • interrupted
  • appositional
  • appropriate for normal tension on the incision's edges
    • local tension is managed by adjusting tension on individual sutures
    • not recommended if significant tension
  • impact on the local blood supply to the incision’s edges is major if overtightened

General recommendations

  • the bite on each side of the incision is roughly equal to the thickness of the tissue (ie. 3-5mm)
  • sutures are spaced approximately twice this distance apart (ie. 6-10mm)
  • these guidelines are adjusted depending on
    • the tendency of the tissue to open (if opening take bigger bites and move them closer)




  • interrupted
  • appositional pattern
  • a tension suture
  • less effect on blood supply than the horizontal mattress but more than a simple interrupted

General recommendations

  • place each bite a distance from the wound edge equal to the thickness of the tissue (ie. 3-5mm)
  • space sutures approximately twice this distance apart (ie. 6-8mm)
  • leave loop loose enough to accommodate postoperative swelling

Vertical mattress

Vertical mattress


  • interrupted
  • everting pattern
  • a tension suture
  • less effect on blood supply than the horizontal mattress, but more than simple interrupted

General recommendations

  • inner bite on each side of the incision is roughly equal to the thickness of the skin (ie. 3-5mm)
  • outer bite is approximately twice the thickness of the skin (ie. 8-10mm)
  • spacing reflects amount of opening tension but is usually about twice the skin thickness

Near and far patterns

Near and far patterns


  • interrupted
  • appositional pattern
  • a tension suture
  • "far" component protects against tension while the "near" component apposes the wound edges
  • less effect on blood supply than the horizontal mattress, but more than simple interrupted

General recommendations

  • width of "near" bite approximates thickness of skin (ie. 3-5mm)
  • width of "far" bite is approximately double (ie. 6-10mm)
  • name of pattern describes order of bites

Far Near Near Far