Western College of Veterinary Medicine

Graduate Students and Residents

Small Animal Clinical Sciences
General Graduate Student Handbook | Internal Medicine | Surgery | Ophthalmology | Anesthesia | Dentistry | Medical Oncology | Medical Imaging


Picture of Vivian Fan

Vivian Fan
Resident, Medical Oncology, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Alexandra Frey Belotta

Alexandra Frey Belotta
Resident, Medical Imaging, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Bruna Hech

Bruna Hech
Resident, Anesthesia, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  WeiChun Huang

WeiChun Huang
Resident, Medicine, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Tanarut (Pop) Laudhittirut

Tanarut (Pop) Laudhittirut
Resident, Internal Medicine, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Shayna Levitt

Shayna Levitt
Resident, Ophthalmology, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Carling McCrea

Carling McCrea
Resident, Anesthesia, Department of Small Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Mathieu Paulin

Mathieu Paulin
Resident, Medicine, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Michael Perkel

Michael Perkel
Resident, Medicine, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Kayla  Ross

Kayla Ross
Resident, Medical Imaging, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Erinn Schellenberg

Erinn Schellenberg
Resident, Dentistry, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of Ariel Schlag

Ariel Schlag
Resident, Surgery, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Picture of  Jane Shin

Jane Shin
Resident, Anesthesia, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Min  Song

Min Song
Resident, Surgery, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Picture of  Jessie Vandenbruggen

Jessie Vandenbruggen
Resident, ZEW, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Marc Weissman

Marc Weissman
Resident, Medical Oncology, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Claire Whittaker

Claire Whittaker
Resident, Medical Imaging, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Elroy (Niko) Williams

Elroy (Niko) Williams
Resident, Surgery, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Graduate Students

Picture of  Shabnam Abdi

Shabnam Abdi
Graduate Student, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Picture of  Ankon Das

Ankon Das
Graduate Student, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Picture of  Nava Hassani

Nava Hassani
Graduate Student, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Eriola Hida
Graduate Student, Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Picture of  Nima Khalili Tanha

Nima Khalili Tanha
Graduate Student, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Hoda Poorbagher

Hoda Poorbagher
Graduate Student, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, WCVM

Picture of  Jessica Sharpe

Jessica Sharpe
Graduate Student, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences